Since when does my almost 4.5 year old decide she doesn’t want anything to do with veggies?
I heard time and time again…make sure to give them veggies when they are young so they will love them when they are older! I took this advice and ran with it. Always giving Annora veggies with every meal and for every snack…until 4 years hit and everything changed…I mean EVERYTHING!

Annora made me a “leaf” salad from the leaves on the tress…if only she ate the salads I make her! Humph!
This is a tough pill for a health and fitness coach to swallow. I preach healthy eating on a daily basis and this new preschool way of eating just wasn’t going to fly with this momma! I needed to get creative…and FAST!
Being a health and fitness coach, I know there are so many ways to “hide” veggies in everyday yummy food. There is the infamous macaroni & cheese with broccoli, the awesome lasagna with eggplant, the oatmeal pancakes with swiss chard flakes, etc. This momma knows how to hide but it takes a lot of work to research and it takes a lot of work to make sure your little ones are getting in enough vegetables on a daily basis.
I decided to stick with what I knew and trusted. I turned to my daily superfood shake and went to work. Not only do I now add spinach and chia seeds, but swiss chard gets a frequent visit into the over 20 superfoods smoothie that my girls now BEG me for! That’s right…I found the SECRET to getting them to eat as many veggies as I want…let them drink them in a smoothie! LOL

The girls drinking their superfood smoothie (Shakeology) that they BEGGED me for.
This once FRUSTRATED momma of 2 is now a happy clam to 2 veggie eating girls unbeknownst to them. Now when they turn their little noses up at the mixed veggies on their dinner plates, I can joyfully tell them that after one bite and trying them, they can leave the veggies alone.
Haha…Momma = 1, Girls = 0

The look of frustration when your 4 year old refuses her veggies!
1 Comment
Chrissy · June 30, 2016 at 2:05 am
Zucchini brownies!!