Man is it tough to be informed about all of the educational opportunities out there for your children! Charter, Public, Private, Montessori, Homeschooling, etc. Phew…the list goes on!
As a first time momma to a schoolage child, I must say that I was very confused and uninformed about my options. Thank goodness for my past!!! Having been a former teacher, I knew that the options out there were endless (well…almost), but I also knew it certainly isn’t the “norm” to go against the grain. I did know one thing though, I wasn’t comfortable sending my little one to the public school around the corner that refused to let me observe in the kindergarten classroom (to see if that school was a good fit for my upcoming child).
It was two years ago I started on this journey of finding the right avenue to take for schooling my child(ren). Annora was 2.5 years old. I went to so many open houses of different schools and just never felt like I belonged…never felt like what I was experiencing matched my families values and beliefs along with the rigorous curriculum I so desperately sought after. The Montessori school’s open house was impressive but failed to bring the religion piece into it…and it was a bit too expensive for our budget. Private was an option but again the cost was a bit too much. Charter didn’t WOW me and the thought of homeschooling terrified me (despite being a former kindergarten teacher).
It wasn’t until I attended an open house for a homeschooling organization called Classical Conversations that I felt connected and like the Christian values matched the rigor of material the kids were to learn over the course of the year. So, I swallowed my fears and decided to dive right in. It has been the most joyous experience…and I LOVE watching the lightbulb go off! The fact I get to witness it is a gift.
I FINALLY found THE group/school/organization/co-op/etc. that fit my families belief system. To say I am impressed with this program is an utter understatement.
The point is not to sway you to join a homeschooling co-op (although I would say it is a wise choice if it fits the schedule and values of your family), but to research, research, research what is out there; what options you, as a parent have when it comes to educating your child. Don’t settle for your child’s future…FIGHT FOR IT!

Annora giving her weekly presentation.