Amazement doesn’t cover the emotion I have when I see my little one who struggles with gross motor and motor planning develop skills that guide her along on the right path after just one gymnastics class.

Foam Pit!!!
We started gymnastics with Delise this past week to help her with her gross motor. Unlike her sister, Delise is daring and adventurous at the expense of her safety. She dives off of couches, climbs onto chairs, runs down hills falling every other step, etc. Ben and I roll our eyes and wonder how she will overcome these crazy behaviors. To my amazement, she did really well and flourished when given the opportunity. She was clearly “behind” the other kids in the class but held her own and didn’t let anything stop her…that’s my girl!

Fun times in gymnastics!
This article is about gross motor and where gymnastics fits into that…I found it quite helpful!
I am excited to see what this new adventure does for Delise. I will keep you posted as she continues to progress through this bump in the road.