There was a huge variety of bags included, some original ideas and some made from tutorials found on other great blogs and/or Pinterest. If you’d like some great busy bag inspiration, here are all 11 bags that I received from this swap.
The BEST part of the “Toddler Busy Bag Exchange,” I made 11 of each activity so I didn’t have to buy a ton of different supplies, I had activities to keep my daughter busy at home, at restaurants, on airplane rides, in the car, at relatives houses that don’t have kids, etc.

Made with paint color samples from Home Depot.
1. Color Match
2. Mr. Potato Head (made out of felt)
3. Popsicle Stick Puzzles
4. Search & Find
5. Color Sorting
6. Make Your Own Pizza
7. Shape & Color Sorting
8. Abacus
9. Apple Tree Math
10. Buttoning Practice
11. Pom Pom Push Activity