Giving Back…A Fall Tradition

If you have ever thought about teaching your child the gift of giving back, the fall season is a GREAT place to start. Thanksgiving is around the corner and Christmas is just a few weeks after that. The weather is cooler and people tend to stay inside a bit more than in the summer months. Fall is the PERFECT opportunity to get your kids involved in a less selfish activity and get them into the habit of giving to others rather than always receiving. 

Tips on How to Get Moving and Stay Active with Your Kids

When it comes to heart health or health in general, it’s important that we think not only of our own cardiovascular health but also that of our kids. A study last year found that obese children and teens have as much plaque in their arteries as a 45-year-old adult, setting them up for heart disease and other serious health conditions much earlier than their parents. This breaks my heart!

If you’ve got kids, of course you want to make sure they grow up fit and healthy. But you also know it’s hard to juggle work, family, and physical activity. Still, setting a healthy example is a good start. research shows that parents who are physically active increase the likelihood that their kids will be active as well. So if you’re looking for ways to get your kids involved, check out how I have incorporated an active lifestyle in our household.

December MUST Do’s in the Toledo Area!

I’m THRILLED!!! I had a lot of people respond to my November calendar of events in the Toledo, Ohio area so I decided to give you a good snap shot of what we plan on doing the month of December and you can pick and choose what you think your family may enjoy. I have toddlers and preschoolers but I must say this list is for ANY AGE! I have also included all links to the event pages along with the Toledo Parent link (which is where I get many of my monthly ideas).

What to do in a day?!?


Oh don’t tell me you don’t get those words coming out of your child’s mouth…I would tell you you’re lying! LOL

In all reality, kids need structure to their day…whether they are 1 month or 18 years old. Structure creates a feeling of safety and security. Making it a point to create structure in your household will only make life MUCH easier and I PROMISE you will hear less of “I’m Bored!” comments coming from your child’s oh so clever mouth.