“Wait until your youngest is four years old,” they say. And, of course, I don’t listen. Here I am, getting a family dog, and potty training my toddler at the same time…CRAZY right!?! ABSOLUTELY! But…hear me out on this one.
- We are in a pandemic with not much better to do than to train a toddler how to use the potty and train a puppy how to be a part of our family. They sort of go hand in hand. We are blessed with the opportunity to stay home and make sure it all gets done correctly…if there is such a thing.
- My toddler and my puppy will have a chance to become the best of buds and grow a bond that she may not have had…had she been older. She LOVES to run with him, play with him, feed him, teach him tricks, and snuggle with him…it’s precious!
- She has a built-in playmate when I am busy getting lunch together, folding laundry, or doing the dishes. No more screen time to entertain her while I try to quickly get those things done.
- It teaches her compassion and love for animals. I have seen her go from selfish toddler to selfless toddler in a matter of 4 short months. She has created a world that revolves around the puppy and taking care of him and less around her and her needs.
- She has a buddy to grow up with and love on. The emotional support our puppy has given her has been priceless. When she gets upset, she runs to the dog to snuggle him for comfort. The other night she was beside herself because she hadn’t told our puppy, Barley goodnight. We had to take her back out of bed and allow her to run downstairs quickly to say goodnight.
Don’t get me wrong, having a puppy is A LOT of work. The difference is that the work pays off in the long run and it is a rewarding relationship for all. We wouldn’t change our current family dynamics and all it has brought to us. From learning to be selfless to loving an animal and learning the responsibility of taking care of him, we are grateful for this opportunity for our kiddos.