Back to School…Starting a Routine

It’s that time of year…back to school shopping has started and the first day jitters are creeping back into your littles tummies as they prepare for their first day of school. Whether your first day back falls before or after Labor Day, most of us are mentally preparing for August/September and what the new schedule will look like when summer comes to an end.

Torticollis? Does My Baby have it?

How Long Does it Take to Recover or See the Results?

Recovery from torticollis in babies is highly dependent on when the condition is diagnosed and how well the physiotherapy is done. Ideally, your doctor should identify issues with torticollis around the age of two or three months. Then it is simply a matter of how diligent you are with the exercises given to you by the physiotherapist. If these criteria are met, then you should see a significant improvement within a few weeks. In most cases, the condition will correct itself by the time your baby turns one year old.

When to Consult a Paediatrician

Since torticollis requires early intervention for a full recovery, it is best that you consult with your baby’s doctor as soon as you notice any signs of torticollis mentioned above. Be sure to keep all your child’s doctor’s appointments and ask that a proper physical examination of your baby’s neck is done.

Severe torticollis in infants is a highly treatable condition but timely intervention and commitment to recovery are essential. Be sure to discuss any doubts you might have with the doctor.

Parent Resources You Will Want to Save

Let’s talk about where to go to learn about things pertaining to kids. As a parent to 3 young daughters, it can get frustrating trying to find the right place to go, the right movie to watch that I feel confident letting my 4 year old watch, the right healthy snack that they will eat with a smile, the right activities to do as a family, fun things in the community, great parks, etc. With such a flood of information on the internet these days, it can get tricky trying to navigate your way through it all.

Help For My Child(ren)

Hi, I’m Mary and I have a passion for connecting families in our area with resources that will benefit their children. My husband and I have been blessed with three beautiful daughters and never would have imagined the story we would be able to share through our own personal trials.