Kicking the Sick Winter Bug

Most of us are pretty aware of what to do when your child comes down with a sickness…and we know the remedy to treat it whether that means over the counter medicine, natural home remedies or going to see the doctor. But there are times I think to myself, “What should I feed this baby of mine to help her get well and to ease her discomfort?” I know that with the flu, limiting foods is best and you should stick with the BRAT diet. The BRAT diet is bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. These are all gentle on the system when you or your child is down with the flu.

The Hard Truth About Infant Eczema and How to Treat Symptoms

Winter can be so hard on little ones who suffer from eczema. The term eczema refers to a number of different skin conditions in which the skin is red and irritated and sometimes has small, fluid-filled bumps that become moist and ooze. The dry air and dry skin can only make matters worse. In fact, even bathing can be a sure cause for more dry skin. Having two kids who suffer from eczema, I have a few tips to keep the dry skin more moisturized and less itchy, dry and cracked.

Keeping Kids Active in a Technology Ridden World

I believe there is a balance between kids being kids, running, playing, using their imaginations, getting together with friends, etc. and kids sitting in front of the computer, iPad, or gaming center. Just as anything in life, there should be a balance between the two. Keeping kids away from technology completely is not preparing them for the future and doesn’t give them the exposure they will need in the real world which is already technology ridden and only getting worse. On the contrary, allowing kids to play video games all day or sit on the iPad watching YouTube videos nonstop is not healthy and can actually be hurting your child in the long-run. Let’s dive into this subject a bit further…

Winter Activities to do With Your Family

If you live where snow covers the ground in the winter months, you can start to feel a little bit stuck in house…AKA…Cabin Fever. I know for me, not being able to let the kids run and play outside because of freezing conditions is not always rainbows and butterflies. I have resorted to being creative on these days and thought maybe I would share some fun things you, too, can do with your littles when the weather seems to hold you in.

Teething Hacks to Make Your Baby Feel Better

Four budding teeth! My poor baby girl is struggling because four teeth are trying to make their debut and her tender little gums are hurting. As a momma, you never want to see your child in pain or suffering in any way. As she struggles with the pain, I immediately do Google search after Google search to hear what remedies others have used to relieve the pain.

Christmas Tree Ornaments and Decorations You Can Make With Your Child/ren

If you are anything like myself, you LOVE doing crafts with your kids…especially around the holidays. If you happen to be nostalgic, you can whip those babies back out year after year when the holiday season approaches and it will trigger fond memories of when your kids were the age they made the craft. I’m a sucker for the Hallmark Channel movies, hot cocoa with marshmallows and candy canes, decorating the tree with the most gaudy ornaments (but they are made by us and each one has a special place in my heart), the Santa experience, going to holiday gatherings, cookie decorating parties, etc. I can’t get enough of the Christmas spirit!

The Christmas Pickle…

I’m sorry but I can’t enough of the pickle tradition this year! Every time I think about it, it makes me chuckle and I want my family to be a part of the tradition…so we are starting this year! We have implemented a lot of traditions but I think this is one my kids WILL LOVE! My husband, on the other hand, is a bit skeptical and gives me the good ole eye roll every time I talk about it. Just wait, he will be the biggest supporter once he sees it played out.