Spring is in the Air

The winter blues have definitely hit the house and it has been long and grueling. With the flu having come and gone, it is only fitting to wish for warmer weather where we can escape the germ-infested house and get some much needed fresh air. Wishful thinking…until today.

New Year, New You!

As a momma to three little girls, it can get easy to forget your unique self; the person who you were prior to being called “Mommy.” Many times I collapse at the end of the night and wonder where “I” was during the day. Where did the time go and how am I still in my morning workout gear at 8:00 PM?

When your Family Gets Displaced

I know for me, whenever I am away from home for a period of time with or without the littles, I can get over the fact that I am on “vacation” and I resort back to the fact that I really want my own bed and own daily routine. Don’t get me wrong, I love to vacation and feel there is a place for it in any family. I am always grateful for the time away from the everyday norm. But, when you are displaced from your home based on circumstances that are not of your control, that gratefulness can go out the window. You can feel stressed and wonder when “normalcy” will creep back in.

Healthy Toddler Snacks

The thing about it is, I don’t have time to make gourmet meals daily and when I do, she doesn’t eat them anyways. So…what is a momma to do? I am a fan of meal prepping for myself, making meals ahead of time so that I can grab and go on those crazy days, saving me time and money. So I put that same concept into action for my toddler.

Daddy’s Little Girls

My favorite part of being a mommy is watching my husband be a daddy. Before having kiddos, we were pretty clear on how we wanted to raise our children, God willing. A strong faith background drove our thoughts on how we would approach parenting in general.