Working with Kids and Stay-at-Home Moms

Working with kids…You may be thinking, “What does she have to add to this topic? I mean, she is a stay-at-home momma, right?”
Well yes, I am a stay at home momma and love every minute of it but on the contrary, I am a working momma. I like to say that I am a “stay-at-home mom that works”…meaning that I consider myself a stay-at-home mom during the daytime hours while the kiddos are awake and while they sleep, I work.

Getting a Family Dog

Barley is (almost) 4 months old and let me tell ya…having a 3 year old toddler and 4 month old puppy is NOT for the faint of heart. I find myself wondering who got into the toilet paper, who broke the crayon to pieces on the living room floor, who took the laundry out of the laundry basket, etc. IT IS A LOT OF WORK. Why did we decide together a puppy you might ask?!?

5 Toddler Exercises to do in the Dead of Winter

I can feel the warmth on my skin, the sun beaming down and warming the earth’s soil as I walk barefoot on the beach’s sand. It’s about 89 degrees outside and the smell of saltwater is encapsulating the air. It feels good to be outside, run in the sand, and feel the hot sun on my skin.

I jerk awake and realize it is actually the dead of winter in Toledo, Ohio where the weather is COLD, the skies are gray and the sun is all but beaming onto my face. It hits me…

How to Serve Others with Your Child

Bake some treats for your neighbors

This has to be my favorite–and one we will definitely be doing again this year. Last year, Little Girl and I baked banana bread for our neighbors, but this year I think we may make an assortment of treats, like pumpkin spice donut holes, healthy chocolate peanut butter fudge, coconut-cranberry peanut butter truffles and my triple chocolate peanut butter truffles from the Healthy Holidays eBook. We like to attach a Bible verse proclaiming Christ’s birth.

Last year, we delivered the bread on a rare white Christmas morning, and it was a blast getting to know our neighbors (most of whom invited us inside!).

Getting Ready For Lockdown…Again.

I don’t want to think that we will be in a lockdown yet again, but with the COVID cases rising, the election going a bit crazy and everyone a bit on edge about this virus, I feel like it may just happen. With that being said, if you have littles this is something you may dread. The last lockdown left us with little imagination to make the lockdown “fun” and interesting anymore. We executed some pretty amazing plans to keep the littles busy and did that for many months only to now have no ideas left. I thought I’d help a momma, daddy, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, caretaker out and get some new, fresh ideas out there in case we are quarantined once again.

Is Preschool Too Expensive? Preschool Homeschooling Made EASY

Um…you want me to fork over how much??? Seriously gang, preschool or the new car? Preschool can cost an arm and a leg these days. According to the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA), the average cost of preschool ranges from $4,460 to $13,158 per year, depending on where in the United States you live. This averages out to a monthly cost of $372 to $1100 per month, per child. YIKES!!!

Healthy Toddler Meal Ideas

I don’t know about you, but my toddler has become a picky eater these days and it drives me CRAZY! She doesn’t like veggies, won’t eat meat, and wants to snack all day long. What is a desperate momma to do? I will tell ya! Head to the internet and grab some ideas on how to stop your picky eater from turning his/her nose up at everything they are offered, that’s what!

The Child Safety Harness

Let’s talk about the child safety harness. I have three girls and have been in situations where I feel like they are all 3 going in different directions and I am COMPLETELY overwhelmed and in over my head…and a child harness would be ideal. But on the other hand, sometimes the thought of one makes me uneasy. Talking about child leashes is like talking about political parties. Parents are either strongly for or strongly against them.