It was a year ago almost to the day and I was watching my colleagues grow their business in Nashville, TN at a national convention while I stayed home with my babies plucking away at my network marketing business. It seemed unfair that I was home figuring this CEO thing out by myself…not getting very far at all yet my coach friends were soaking in a ton of new knowledge at a national convention. It was at that moment that I realized I could do BOTH! Not only could I stay home with my babes and be the best mommy I knew how to be, BUT I could also grow a substantial business while they slept, napped, etc. to help my husband with some of the burden with monthly bills. So…that day, I signed up for the following year’s Coach Summit and decided it was something I needed to do for me, our girls and our family.
Those decisions are always so hard to make. Will I be leaving the girls in the right hands? Will Ben be able to take the time off to take care of them? Is this a selfish move on my part? Is the investment worth the benefits? Am I a bad mom for building a business of my own? etc.

Leaving these 2 for several days was a tough decision!
It’s hard when you are a parent and have to leave your babies for vacation, a work trip, etc. It seems like an impossible task and sometimes leaving is more work than just staying home. There is laundry to do, lists to make, people to call, schedules to coordinate, etc. Not to mention the fact that you will miss your kids more than anything! Leaving seems more of a task than a getaway. Would it be worth it in the long run? AHHHH…all of these questions and self-doubt engulfed me.

Missing my babies but learning a lot about health and fitness and how to help others on their journey!
I truly feel blessed that I was able to attend an amazing event for my health and fitness coaching career. The amount of takeaways I gained was extremely beneficial to taking my business to the next level and I was happy I had decided to go. As the day neared to leave, I started to get slightly anxious to leave Annora and Delise. Annora is pretty easy-going but Delise, on the other hand, has this amazing ability to make any task a difficult one. She is quite the momma’s girl these days and I knew this was going to throw a wrench in her day to day routine. I also knew that this might be a good way for her to learn that life will throw curve-balls and we need to learn to go with the flow. It ended up being a good lesson for both girls and a great opportunity for Ben to play the mommy and daddy role.
If I hadn’t gone on the trip but instead stayed home and continued with the same day in and day out routine, my business would remain pretty stagnant, I wouldn’t have gotten pumped about taking life and my business opportunity to the next level, my girls wouldn’t have gotten that beautiful time with their daddy, I wouldn’t have grown in my belief in myself as a CEO/mommy/wife, and my tank wouldn’t be as full as it is right now. See, I LOVE being home with the girls, but I also LOVE having something that is just for me…something that I am doing for the bettering of our family. Whatever it is in your life that you struggle with, just know that filling your own tank is important before making sure everyone else’s is full. I feel like I am a better mommy, wife, friend, etc. because I took time to pour into my own personal development. I am ready to go make some of my dreams come true!