Who would have thought that we would be in a world pandemic? Isn’t that what only happens in the movies? It is a strange feeling going to the grocery store and seeing empty shelves, watching people stay more than 6 feet away from one another. It is weird to see signs at playgrounds telling you the playground is closed because of the city’s temporary lockdown. And just today, my family visited my dad for his birthday, only to hold up signs and sing “Happy Birthday” through his glass sliding door.
With all of this uncertainty, we have gotten a little stir crazy (cabin fever if you prefer). We have done the coloring books, baked some cookies for the neighbors, watched movies, done schoolwork, played outside, read books, etc. and are B-O-R-E-D! If you know me, you know I can’t stand being bored and usually go into planning mode PRONTO. I took some old fashioned ideas and gave them a little spin. Lucky for you I am excited to share my fun “Quarantine Activities” with all of you. I have included ages 2-4 and another set of activities for ages 5-9 (and older honestly)
AGES 2-4
- Play Doh. Break out the good ole Play Doh and let them have it. Squish it, form it, make animals, letters, shapes, etc. Don’t have play doh at home? Check out this site to make your own: https://domesticsuperhero.com/best-homemade-playdough-recipe/

- A tray of beans or elbow noodles, some spoons, cups and measuring containers along with some plastic barbies or dinosaurs (whatever your child is into) make for a GREAT sensory bin.

- Of course coloring and painting (paint using cut fruits…my kids always loved using half an apple to paint with). Don’t have paint at home, check out this DIY paint you make from everyday kitchen ingredients: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDc5xwiM0fM

- Finger Painting. Don’t have any finger paint on hand, use this recipe to make your own: https://extremecouponingmom.ca/homemade-toddler-finger-paint/

- Bake some cookies or a cake for the neighbors. Need some yummy recipes, check out this site for some healthy go-to recipes: https://www.wellplated.com/healthy-oatmeal-cookies/

- Squirt some shaving cream (or whipping cream for those who kids who put everything in their mouth) and let them “draw” on the countertops or paint on a piece of paper.

- Throw plastic toys into a sink full of bubbles and just a little bit of water and let her wash her toys…my kids’ ALL TIME FAVORITE

- READ, READ, READ. Brain development happens when reading to your child occurs. Read to your child as often as possible.

- Play dress-up and act out your favorite movie. PLay the music from the movie and have a dance party!

- Go for a wagon ride or walk in the neighborhood. Identify letters and numbers along the way. Talk about the different things you see and the different things you are passing by. This encourages speech development.

- Sidewalk Chalk. Practice writing your name, drawing shapes, letters, etc.

AGES 5-9 or even older honestly…
- Get the good ole Legos out. The chart below is a 30 day Lego challenge that is FUN and keeps their minds busy and active…

- Get all of the Barbies or GI Joes out, the blocks, empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls, crayons and markers and have your child(ren) make a house or fort for the figures.

- LOTS of directed drawing. The best part, it is all done for you. JUST PRESS PLAY! My kinda activity. We like this channel the best: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=directed+drawing

- Set up an inside (or backyard) scavenger hunt. Head outside when the weather is nice and try to find the things on the list below or make your own list together and then go searching.

- Have the kid(s) set up an obstacle course in the house or outside if the weather permits. Don’t have streamers, NO WORRIES…break out the couch cushions, toys, blankets and be creative.

- READ, READ, READ. I can’t stress enough the importance of reading to your children and having them read to you.

- Organize their bedroom, playroom, Closet, Dresser, etc. It is a GREAT way to teach kids some organizational skills.

- Go through clothes and toys and donate the ones that aren’t needed or played with anymore. Give them to someone you know in need or give them to your church or local charity organization.

- Build forts WITH them (TRUST ME it is a BLAST!) Get out the old sheets, blankets, tables and chairs and have the kids (and yourself) get creative!

- Throw plastic toys into a sink full of bubbles and just a little bit of water and have them wash their toys…my kids’ ALL TIME FAVORITE

- Go for a run, walk or bike ride in the neighborhood. Challenge each other to races with bikes, hopscotch, skipping, etc.

- Sidewalk Chalk. Put inspirational messages on the sidewalk for passerby’s to enjoy. It may be just what the doctor ordered for someone who isn’t getting visitors, doesn’t have family and may be slightly down due to the circumstances.

- Color Pictures for the people in nursing homes and send them in the mail. They are the ones who aren’t able to see family and friends during this time and they need some outside interaction.

- Bake for the neighbors. Our neighbors LOVE when we bring goodies over…especially appreciated from the retired and elderly neighbors. Here is one of our FAVORITE HeAlThY cookie recipes to make for our neighbors can be found here: https://www.brit.co/healthy-cookie-recipes/

- Put on a show for the family. Break out the dress-up clothes and let the kids create a show to perform for you. Don’t have dress-up clothes, let them raid your closet and use those instead.

- PLAY DOH for the big kids!!!

- Send cards to those you love telling them how much they mean to you. Oftentimes (when we have kiddos at home) we forget that many people are at home by themselves during this quarantine. Send them some love and remind them of how much you love them and that you are thinking of them. Just garb some paper, construction, markers, stickers, paint, etc. and let them create something special for someone else.

- Have the kids exercise. You can go to YouTube and search different workouts for kids or you can get a free 2 week trial with Beachbody on Demand and have the kids use that workout. Here is the link for Beachbody: https://vimeo.com/showcase/6880106

- Break out the Easter decorations or Christmas (or whatever decorations you have that they can play with) and have the kids play with them

- Have a hair salon. Get out the brushes, rubber band ties, bows and combs and have the kids explore with different hair styles. Just keep the scissors at bay. LOL

- Get in your swimsuits and go swimming in the bathtub and add LOTS of BuBbLeS!!! Turn out the lights and throw in some glow sticks from the dollar store and make it a glow bath!

- If you have a bounce house, blow it up in the basement or backyard for some jumping fun! It is a great way to get in some exercise while having a BLAST!

- BUBBLES!!!! Just as the little ones love bubbles, YOU BETTER BELIEVE the big ones do too!