It is that time of year again where you can dust off the Easter decor and get ready to craft it up. Easter is that time of year where I seem to get energy to pull out crafts galore for the kiddos. Maybe it is the nicer weather or maybe it’s just the feel of something special…you know…the reason Easter is celebrated in the first place. Either way, I find it so fun to get the kiddos busy with crafts, games and traditions.

In case you were wondering what our family plans on doing the week before Easter, here ya go!
- Easter egg hunts! We actually host 2 or 3 Easter egg hunts at our home each year and invite different sets of friends to enjoy it with us.

- Easter egg decorating! Take a crayon, draw on a hard boiled egg with it, then dip the eggs to color them. My kids are fascinated by this every year…it NEVER gets old. In the comments below, tell me your “go-to” Easter egg decorating tips.

- Handprint Chicks. This is something I will always hold near and dear to my heart because it captures just how tiny my kids are at the time…something you can never get back.

- Easter egg Minute To Win It Games. These are always fun and exciting and very rarely get old. Here are the minute to win it games we enjoy the most: Easter egg maze with a balloon between your legs, Stack the Easter eggs as high as you can get them (then try doing I with your eyes closed, one hand behind your back, etc.), Keeping a balloon in the air for as long as you can without allowing it to hit the ground, Peep Catapult (Using the homemade spoon catapult and a Peep marshmallow treat, try to get the Peep into the bucket).

These four activities are sure to please the littles and bring TONS of fun! IN the comments below, tell me your favorite young family Easter activities that bring a smile to your littles’ faces.