Ben: “I have a surprise for us!”
Me: “Good or bad?”
Isn’t that the truth…once you have kids and the honeymoon phase has long gone, you get into a rut and surprises may or may not be a good thing. Poor Benny…he tells me he has a surprise and I come back with, “Good or bad?” LOL
(He surprised me with a Date Day to Cedar Point!)

Fun times at Cedar Point on our “Date Day”
Ben and I find it so difficult to get out of the house and enjoy each others company. We found that if we don’t make it intentional, it doesn’t happen. I have come up with a list of cheap date day/night ideas that will reignite the spark in something that may have dwindled.
*Go to an amusement park or arcade. It doesn’t have to be one of those fancy, expensive parks. Go without the kids and BE kids again. Do those silly arcade games like skee ball or whack-a-mole.
*Play a game from your childhood – croquet, badminton, hide and seek, miniature golf. Reminisce and be playful together.
*Pretend-You’re-a-Tourist date. Look around your city and do the things a tourist might do – go to an overlook, a quaint neighborhood, the botanical gardens, a museum, whatever is special about your hometown.
*Build something together – ice cream sundaes, a pizza with your favorite toppings, a tower of blocks.
*Plan a “Favorites Night” around your favorite food, clothes, games, sports, etc. Each spouse could choose a favorite activity which you then combine into one evening.
*Go to a cooking class and cook together or a wine tasting event.
*Look through old photo albums and tell each other stories of your childhood and families. If you feel really energetic, make it a time to put all those loose photos in albums or on a disc.
*Hang out at a bookstore. Browse through your favorite sections. Many bookstores have cozy reading spots or a café connected with them.
*Do something to nurture your spiritual life. Go to a church service together or volunteer in the community.
*Visit your local zoo. Spring is often an especially engaging time since your likely to see some endearing zoo babies and glorious flowers.

Ok so our Toledo Zoo trip wasn’t exactly a “date” between the 2 of us…but it was FUN to go with the family and our Aunt Anita (not pictured)
*Try a theme date like one around “quarters.” Think of all the things you can do that use quarters like play a juke box, wash the car, take your picture together at a photo booth, play video games at an arcade.
*Thrift Store Date. Pick a spending limit (like $5 each) and see what crazy gift(s) you can put together for your sweetheart.
I know I plan on taking my advice and carving out time throughout the month to “date” my spouse again!