Baby Formula Differences

I’m telling ya…it can be completely overwhelming when trying to figure out the best formula for your child. I believe that breastfeeding is the mots beneficial for your babies development but there are times when breastfeeding just isn’t goin well…or your child is suffering from serious allergies, or maybe your child has a hard time breastfeeding so your supply doesn’t come in as strong as needed. I get it. As a momma of three beautiful baby girls, I understand the trials and tribulations that come with trying to feed your baby right. Because of this, I have done some research on the different formulas and what is best for your baby when breastfeeding isn’t an option.

Back to School…Starting a Routine

It’s that time of year…back to school shopping has started and the first day jitters are creeping back into your littles tummies as they prepare for their first day of school. Whether your first day back falls before or after Labor Day, most of us are mentally preparing for August/September and what the new schedule will look like when summer comes to an end.

Family Pictures…What Should We Wear?

I am a bit obsessed with getting family pictures done. I think it captures the moment we are at, in time with our ages and interests. It holds that moment forever and you can enjoy it whenever. That being said, each year when the time is approaching, I do begin to stress about what we should wear for the photo shoot. I have taken many spins on color schemes and thought I would share.