When to Start Time Out with Your Little One

I have been at this mommy gig for eight years now and I have learned a thing or two when it comes to toddler temper tantrums and time outs. Each of my kids are different and require a different way of disciplining them based on their individual differences. With that being said, I have learned to take a cue when it comes to time out and when its appropriate to start it. Here sre some tips on when starting time out is a good idea with your littles…

The Strong-Willed Child

they become…with a bit of direction from parents, siblings, family, friends and experiences. But what if you have a strong-willed child who seems to make things difficult when, let’s say, going places, hanging out with friends, following directions, etc.? Not only can frustrations run high, but if we don’t foster positive interactions with those “special” little ones, it can do harm to whom they are to become. It is so important to view each child as individual and best help them despite how difficult their actions or things may seem.

Favorite Children’s Books to Have in Your Repertoire

know when I started teaching in my twenties, I was overwhelmed by the number of children’s books out there these days. It also overwhelmed me that some parents are on the more conservative side and wouldn’t appreciate their first, second, or third-grader reading some of the books that are out there. I certainly didn’t want to offend anyone but I also wanted to make sure that I had a collection “teacher-worthy” as I started out. I did a lot of research and was fortunate enough to get many classics that I feel should be in every teachers’ and (grand)parents’ library.

MUST DO Classes and Activities With Your Preschooler

I’ve been around the block…and been there, done that. Yep…I have had the privilege of being a mommy to not one, not two, but soon to be three preschoolers. Having homeschooled my first two (and plan on doing it with my third as well), I have had my share of planning and implementing MANY activities. There are some I do with each kid at some point in their preschool years and some I do once and that is enough for a lifetime…if you catch my drift.

New Year, New You!

As a momma to three little girls, it can get easy to forget your unique self; the person who you were prior to being called “Mommy.” Many times I collapse at the end of the night and wonder where “I” was during the day. Where did the time go and how am I still in my morning workout gear at 8:00 PM?