Let the School Year Begin!

Whether you have a school-aged child or not, the start of a new school affects us all. Summer activities and camps come to an end, the weather starts changing, and some children you have at home, are gone for the day and leave the little ones at home with the caregiver. It is just different and it takes some adjusting. So how do we help children adapt to a changing schedule with little to no setbacks?

Torticollis? Does My Baby have it?

How Long Does it Take to Recover or See the Results?

Recovery from torticollis in babies is highly dependent on when the condition is diagnosed and how well the physiotherapy is done. Ideally, your doctor should identify issues with torticollis around the age of two or three months. Then it is simply a matter of how diligent you are with the exercises given to you by the physiotherapist. If these criteria are met, then you should see a significant improvement within a few weeks. In most cases, the condition will correct itself by the time your baby turns one year old.

When to Consult a Paediatrician

Since torticollis requires early intervention for a full recovery, it is best that you consult with your baby’s doctor as soon as you notice any signs of torticollis mentioned above. Be sure to keep all your child’s doctor’s appointments and ask that a proper physical examination of your baby’s neck is done.

Severe torticollis in infants is a highly treatable condition but timely intervention and commitment to recovery are essential. Be sure to discuss any doubts you might have with the doctor.

Mommy Guilt…It’s Inevitable!

Gah-Who else has Mom (or Dad) guilt? I hate to say it, but parenting in general can cause stresses that stir up guilt that can truly make you down and depressed about your own parenting styles or how you interact with your child(ren). Most mom’s I have chatted with have had that pit in their stomach where they feel se terrible about their interaction with one of their kids and making it better seems impossible. I get it. Been there, done that! Just because we suffer from the occasional mom or dad guilt doesn’t mean we are bad parents or there is something wrong with us, it just means we are conscious of our parenting and what we are doing right and wrong in a moment’s time. You may be asking, what exactly is “mom guilt” and how do I navigate through it? Great questions!

Family Dog

The family dog…or should I say the dog that Mom and Dad take care of?!?

In all seriousness, we are extremely grateful we have a pup that completes our family…regardless of who may be the one actually taking care of him. Having a family dog does offer a chance for your children to experience a sense of responsibility. We have a rotating schedule in our house where one week one child is in charge of the dog food and the other in charge of the water dish…the youngest gets off easy at this point. I was surprised at how much the kiddos love helping to take care of the pup…named Barley. There is the occasional “Oops, I forgot to feed the dog!” moment, but for the most part, our family is working as a team to raise a well-loved puppy.

Encouraging Your Kids to Grow

So many times I tell my kids to stop growing for selfish reasons. For some reason, watching my kids grow out of one stage and into another causes a bit of sadness deep in my heart. I quickly get over it and am excited for their new stage they enter but a piece of me dies with that growth. It happens with each of my kids. I know I am not the only parent who feels this way either.