Self-Care Tips for New Moms

In the best of times, making room for yourself in your schedule as a new parent is difficult. Throw in the pandemic and your own comfort levels of health and safety, and it may seem downright impossible! However, it is definitely important for you and your mental health to take time for yourself. Here are some self care ideas for moms and parents that can be a good springboard for other ways you can nurture your spirit and body.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Does it seem like you have a war going on in your family—with you on one side, and your kids on the other? Many parents feel like they live in the middle of a battle zone and that at any given moment they might step on a landmine. Maybe you have a teen who is disrespectful and says rude and insulting things to you. Perhaps you have a child who won’t stop badgering you and fights with you when you set limits. Maybe your preteen insists on having the final word on everything and puts you down all the time. Or it could be that you, like many parents, feel like your kids act entitled and ungrateful and take advantage of you—and it drives you crazy.

The Stay At Home Mom

SAHM is an acronym for a stay-at-home mom. Typically, a SAHM is a woman who cares for the children while the other partner is working outside the home. Similar, more antiquated terms are a homemaker or housewife, although some people still embrace these monikers for this role.