Fit Mommyhood…How to Give of Yourself and Still Fill Your Own Tank

Being a mommy can be tough, trying and HARD. Between cleaning the house, getting everyone ready and out the door for school, working, planning and making dinner; finding time for yourself seems far from reach. Been there and done that…and I have learned through trial and error how to carve out time for myself as a busy mom.

It isn’t about squeezing out a minute or two here and there, but more about intentionally making time for YOU. At first, it may seem or even feel selfish to take time just for you but if you neglect yourself for others too long, it starts to break your spirit. Keeping the person (YOU)  in tact before “Mommy” is key to successfully feeling like your tank is always full or better yet, overflowing.

Breastfeeding 101

Being a mommy of 3 beautiful little girls, you would think that I have this whole “breastfeeding thing” down pat but the truth of the matter is it has all recently just clicked with my last daughter who is now 5 months old. My advice to any new mother…take as many breastfeeding classes that you possibly can. What seems like should come instinctively as a woman/mommy, actually comes with great frustration and angst for some.

Ways to Teach Kids to Give Back

Our oldest daughter is all about her “stuff.” We have stuffed animals GALORE, toys and trinkets everywhere and things she hasn’t played with or even looked at in MONTHS! When asked to go through her things and get rid of the stuff she doesn’t want, her pile is just a couple of little things that don’t make an impact on the “stuff” she still has. My husband and I have explained to her that things we own aren’t important as the relationships we hold. Unfortunately, when you are six years old, that doesn’t resonate. In trying to rid the house of unwanted and “un-played” with toys, we have found the following to be the most helpful.

Making Each Moment Count…When Time Seems to be Flying

I blinked…yep…my baby is now 3 months old and I can’t even believe it. This is our last child so, as you can imagine, we are savoring each and every minute, every coo, every milestone…as it is our last to experience until our grand-babies are born. I know, a little too sentimental, right?!? Not when you know it is your last time to experience these things.

I can’t help but to grieve a bit when it comes to our last child. It can be hard as a parent to watch the days tick by quickly and feel out of control as they are growing more quickly than you are comfortable with. We have made it a point to make each moment count, not just with our last child but all three girls. The first two go-arounds we didn’t savor time, I got caught in the craziness of constant play dates and activities, and we certainly stayed BUSY! This go-around has been a different story. My calendar is more clear, I don’t mind staying home and just being mommy for a while, I watch my kids nap (I truly love just watching them sleep), and I am more focused on the relationship I am creating with my kids.
I know many people work and don’t have an opportunity to watch their kids nap or stay home and keep the schedule clear so I have created a list of things you can do as a family, as parents, etc. to make every moment count with your kids…because before you know it, they will be off making their own memories with their own kids and you will have wished time had slowed down.

The Art of Saying “NO!”

The title of this blog is The Art of Saying “NO!” It makes me laugh because saying NO to your kids can be just that…an art!

Will they throw a temper tantrum in public if I don’t buy them this…?
What will the family think of my “oh so sweet child” if I allow the tantrum to escalate?
It can get pretty hairy with kids when they are learning what they can and cannot get away with. I would love to say that it only lasts toddler-hood but that would be a complete lie as I am still practicing this art with my 6 year old and I am guessing it will continue until they are ready to sail on their own and leave the home for their own adventure.

Adjusting to a New Baby in the House


Give yourself LOTS of grace as you transition into a new norm. Having a new baby in the house is like having a long lost relative from another country come to live with you. You don’t know their routine, they are needy because everything is new, they can’t do things for themselves, they may have their day and night backwards because of where they are from or time change is an issue for them, they depend solely on you and your company until they are ready to branch out and do things on their own.

YIKES right!?!

New Year, New Start

I know for me and my household, we love starting fresh for the New Year. New goals, new attitude and the excitement of what the new year will bring. Sometimes, the start of a new year means the beginning of new healthy habits…such as setting BIG goals or healthier eating and exercising. This year, having a new baby in the house and having fallen off of the bandwagon with healthy eating, I want to incorporate a “clean eating” habit into our new year goals. This means eliminating anything processed such as lunch meats, cheeses, chips, etc. Instead, my plan is to make all of those things from scratch. Sounds awful and time consuming right?!? —————–>>>>>>>>>WRONG!

The Facts On Becoming Babywise

I know for me and my household, getting the baby to sleep through the night as early as possible is KEY to everyone being happy and content on a daily basis. That being said, I have incorporated the book On Becoming Babywise into my parenting style. For the first 2 kiddos, it worked like a charm and they were both sleeping through the night no later than 9 weeks. You heard me right…no later than 9 weeks!!! It was FANTASTIC! It takes work and dedication but by following the “rules” laid out for you, you too can have a sleeping baby in no time. With my third, we are starting the implementation process this week and I plan on documenting how it goes throughout the sleeping journey.