10 Ways You Can Create Lasting Memories With Your Kids Without Breaking the Bank

I get so busy doing dishes, running the sweeper, keeping up with my online business, running errands, cooking, etc. that sometimes I fail to STOP and PLAY! Play with my kids, appreciate the stage in life they are currently at and just enjoy…just…enjoy…life!

I have started to make it a point to relax and soak in my kids a bit more. Am I busy, YES…is it hard, YES…is it wirth it…YUP! Here is a list of some things I have done to create some lasting memories with my family and some things I plan on doing in the near future…some ideas on how I was, am, and will be able to STOP and PLAY a bit more.

Smoothies…It’s What’s For Dinner

Ahhhhh…the cool breeze of spring leaving us and the HOT “dog days” of summer arriving. This is my time of year. In fact, I would say that summertime has allowed me to be creative…let me explain how. With hot weather comes days of eating a bit less BUT eating a bit unhealthier than usual. Oh, you know, ice cream with gobs of chocolate sauce, burgers and hot dogs on the grill with potato chips, potato salad smothered in mayonnaise, cotton candy and elephant ears at your local fair, etc. Food can either be our fuel or our enemy…and we get the opportunity to choose. Fortunately for you, I have some amazingly creative ways to get your fruits and veggies into you and your children’s diets without them batting an eye, squealing with disgust, or turning their cute little noses up at the thought of eating 2 cups of spinach daily. In fact, if you are not someone who loves their veggies, read on…this is your blog post my friend!

Bursting with Flavor: Grilled Cilantro Lime Chicken

Memorial Day Weekend is the perfect time to dust off the grill and gather together with family and friends to thank the Lord for our many blessings as we remember the heroic men and women who have given their lives for the freedoms we enjoy!

What better way to celebrate than with a super quick-n-easy meal that allows us more time with our family and less time in the kitchen! Firing up the grill is definitely one of the easiest ways to get a healthy meal on the table in just minutes!

How to Become a Stay-At-Home Mommy on a Budget

One of the questions I get asked is “how do you afford to be a stay at home mom?” I never know exactly what to say because honestly, we don’t have an abundance of money just floating around. Staying home has meant that we don’t eat out very often, we give a lot of thought to what we purchase, and although we live a frugal life, we live a happy life.

Let’s be honest, affording to stay at home is not easy. It’s not something that was just magically bestowed on us although we do KNOW it’s a blessing. However, living on one income brings a new set of challenges and sacrifices.

Getting Active When the Weather Breaks

It’s Spring!!! The warmer days many of us have been thinking about since the cold weather hit! However, some of us are still feeling the icy chill of winter or the continuous stream of rain. It may not seem like it now, but soon we will be enjoying the sun, barbecuing with our loved ones and heading to the pool. Below is a quick list of cost-friendly things to do once the weather breaks.

Children’s Mental Health Matters

This May, in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, the Child Mind Institute (CMI) is running its #MyYoungerSelf campaign. The independent non-profit organization that focuses on the mental health of children has made videos of over 30 influential people who have struggled with mental health issues or a learning disorder since childhood.

Pregnancy Do’s and Don’ts to Keep Your Unborn Child Safe

There is so much information out there that about pregnancy and keeping your unborn child safe during the crucial development in the womb. In fact, there is so much information that it can get a bit overwhelming. While out to a restaurant with girlfriends the other day, I expressed that I was really wanting a cup of tea but that I wasn’t supposed to drink tea while pregnant. One of my friends stated that her doctor never said anything about tea and she drank it all the time. This got me thinking….why are we all getting different information and is there a place where you can go to get ONE LIST of do’s and don’ts? The answer is….NOPE! Oh believe me, there are lists and lists, but none that compile everything into one document. By no means am I a doctor nor do I specialize in prenatal care, but I am a pregnant momma who is seeking the answers for her own benefit to share with all of you and I think that the research I have done is sufficient for any pregnant woman out there.

Does My Child Have a Developmental Delay?

“He hasn’t rolled over yet?”

“Aren’t kids usually talking by now?”

People may not mean to be insensitive when they ask you questions like these. But it can still be upsetting to see other kids passing milestones before your child does.

Not meeting these types of milestones isn’t always a sign that your child has a developmental delay. If it turns out he does have a delay, however, getting supports and services early may help him catch up more quickly.