Whoever said leaving your family for “me” time could be easy…is CLEARLY not being honest!
Oh my, oh my…I am leaving my babies and hubby for 5 days for a trip I earned through being a Beachbody coach. The planning process started about 3 weeks ago and now that the time is here…I am stressing even more. I don’t believe it is so much the fact that I am leaving them for 5 days…but more around the fact that there is more time spent in planning around the kiddos and their day than time actually spent on my own itinerary.
Nap time schedules, meal time, what the kiddos will eat for their meals, who has them while Ben is working, who will take them overnight so that they don’t have to wake up at 5 AM for church, who will take Annora to ballet class, who will babysit Delise while Ben does his Daddy/ daughter date night with Annora, etc., etc…PHEW! My head is spinning just typing it!