I FIRMLY believe in the weekly play date! Both of my girls have been going on play dates since they were itty bitty and I believe it is the main reason they are well-adjusted when it comes to sharing, treating others with respect and plain old getting along. I have come up with a list of things I make sure to do when getting ready for a play date.
1. Prepare ahead of time. Avoid fights and meltdowns by scheduling playdates at times when toddlers are likely to be in a good mood, such as in the morning or the late afternoon (post-nap, of course). If the play date will be at your house, be sure to double-check your childproofing beforehand — your little guest may get into something your child knows is off-limits.

Tea Parties!!!

Reading Aloud is always FUN!
2. Keep it small. Try to limit get-togethers to one friend at a time, especially if the kids are playing indoors. Your toddler will have a much easier time learning to socialize with just one other child; plus, fewer kids means there’s less chance a fight will break out. Also keep the time of play date limited to an hour and a 1/2. I try to get together around 10:00 AM and end right about 11:30 AM so we can quickly get home for lunch and naps.
3. Go over the house rules. Tell the kids what they can and can’t do, but keep the list short and simple (“We always eat in the kitchen, and we don’t play in Mommy and Daddy’s bedroom”). The longer you lecture, the more they’ll forget.

The looks I get when the house rules are addressed!
4. Let the kids choose the agenda. Plan a few activities you think they’ll like, but let them decide what they want to do. (Just make sure you come up with plenty of ideas, since toddlers have a notoriously short attention span.)
5. Turn off the TV and computer. Toddlers won’t learn social skills staring at a screen.
Obviously there are many other tips that could be done prior to having a play date. These are my top 5 MUST DO’s when planning one.