I know I have talked about this before but it is worth bringing up again…it is that important! Growing up, I had a great relationship with both my mom and dad. They both taught me so much and influenced my life for the better. My dad played an intricate role in who I became as a woman and who I ultimately chose to marry. I can’t overstate the impact this had on my life and how it gave perspective on how I see life, how I treat others (and expect to be treated), and even how I see myself. It’s so important for fathers to cultivate a good relationship with their daughters.
5 Reasons I feel Father-Daughter Relationships Are Important:
1. Dad’s influence their daughter’s self-image.
First and foremost, dads should always tell their daughters how beautiful they are and help their daughter develop a good self-image, while also reminding them that inner-beauty is more important than outward beauty.

Annora playing dress-up
2. When dads encourage their daughters to dream big, they empower them for the future.
When I was growing up my dad told me that I could do anything that I set my mind to doing, and I believed him; and it empowered me to pursue my dreams. Dads can’t underestimate the influence they can have on their daughter’s life by encouraging them to dream big dreams for themselves.
3. Dads set the bar for future dates/boyfriends/husband.
When it comes to dating, dads set the standard for how dates should treat their daughters. Dads can set the bar high by taking their daughters on dates when they are little girls and pre-teens. When a dad opens the doors for his daughter, engages her in good conversation, and treats her with respect, then she will naturally expect that from anyone who wants to date her.
4. A Dad who is involved in his daughter’s life teaches her that she matters.
One of the most important things a father can do for his daughter is just show up. Dads are notorious for wanting to fix all their daughters’ problems, but more important than fixing problems, is just being there and offering a listening ear, giving a hug, and promising to love her no matter what. Simply, showing up at big life events, whether that’s ballet or a basketball game, is important too. Whatever it is, be there, and show her that she matters.
5. A daughter who has a protective father feels safe.
Daughters may roll their eyes when their dad acts overprotective, but she will appreciate knowing that Dad has her back no matter what. She’ll know that she can call Dad at any hour of the day, and he’ll be there when she needs him. That’s just what dads do.