Your little one won’t eat their dinner, they REFUSE to leave a play date, they talk back in an attempt to really get you fired up, they stomp in refusal to do something you have politely asked them to do, they sit in protest of something you have said, they argue with their sibling….yada, yada, yada! I’m sure if you have a child, you can relate to this list in some form. Even the most even tempered, happy go lucky kiddos have a melt down that can drive a parent BATTY!

Now where did she learn this?
Annora, our oldest, has been testing the waters lately and Ben and I have decided to take matters into our own hands. The saying “Nip it in the bud” comes to mind when a new behavior decides to display itself. We see a new disrespectful behavior, wonder why the heck it started, and then try to navigate through the crazy cycle. Then, when the behavior is resolved, it seems a new one appears. Humph! The cycle continues and Ben and I scramble to find new approaches to stop the behavior before it gets out of control.

Got stuck in the tree and blamed it on me…go figure!

She is bumming about time out.
I had heard about a program called 1,2,3 Magic from my sister and thought I would investigate. It seems like a GREAT behavior management system that can grow with the child and covers EVERY undesirable behavior…THAT is my kind of program. Being a former teacher, I know the importance of keeping the peace and disciplining in a more positive way. 1,2,3 Magic seems to follow that protocol (and can be done with ages 2-13). I have included the short 3 minute video that explains the program but will also give you the breakdown of how it works.
For a child 2-13 years of age:
- The child is showing an undesirable behavior.
- Parent lets the child know the consequences if they continue. This is spoken in a calm firm voice and there is NO DISCUSSION. It is simply stated and that is it.
- Child continues so the parent states (in a very CALM but FIRM voice) “That’s 1.”
- Give the child 4-5 seconds and if the behavior continues, “That’s 2.”
- If the child still doesn’t stop, “That’s 3.” and the child then suffers the consequence.
THE KEY to the system working is that the parent NEVER loses their temper…they remain “Emotionless” throughout the entire process.
This is going to be implemented in our household and I will keep you posted on how it goes. I have heard FANTASTIC reviews on this program and I am excited to have ONE program that covers all behaviors!
1,2,3 Magic Video Explanation: